
Hunter Quebedeaux is a Mechanical Engineering student currently attending Graduate School at the University of Central Florida. He is interested in all things engineering, from programming to mechanical design, with some of his favorite work being in engineering controls, robotics, and dynamics.

Check out my Resume!

In the News

May 2021 - Presenting at AIAA Region II Student Conference, my team placed 2nd in the team paper competition for our work deriving the dynamics of a 9 dof mobile manipulator. Check out the paper here! Link 1, Link 2

April 2021 - Presenting at the Student Scholar Symposium, my team won first place in the judges choice poster presentation for our work and results of emulating space motion using a mobile manipulator with kinematics. Link 1, Link 2

Fall 2020 - I was featured in IMPACT: The Magazine of the UCF Foundation: Spring/Summer 2020 Issue 1 Volume 4 Link